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FreeAgent Nation
Mieren en spinnen
The New Pioneers
A brave new world
Turn it upside down


FreeAgent Nation


In de FreeAgent Nation bestaan geen zielloze kantoren. Iedereen richt zijn eigen ruimte in. FreeAgents ontmoeten elkaar bij Starbucks en Kinkos.

In de FreeAgent Nation is het:

  • en en en niet of of
  • vertrouwen in plaats van angst
  • wederkerigheid in plaats van contracten


In de VS is onlangs een boek verschenen over de 'movement van FreeAgents'. Lees de inleiding van FreeAgent Nation van Daniel Pink.

"FREE AGENT NATION: How America's New Independent Workers Are Transforming the Way We Live" (Warner Books, 2001) by Daniel H. Pink.



Mieren en spinnen

Het Financieele Dagblad: Aantal starters toegenomen

Een stevig groeiende economie en een krappe arbeidsmarkt hebben vorig jaar bijgedragen aan een groei met 15% van het aantal startende ondernemingen tot in totaal 63.700. Daarmee groeit het aantal starters voor het tweede achtereenvolgende jaar sterk. Lees verder...


Biologist Brian Goodwin:

"Competition has no special status in biological dynamics. What is important is the pattern of relationships that exist."

"That's why big, fierce animals are more rare than ants and spiders."

In dynamische markten zijn grote bedrijven de zwakste schakel.


Brave New World

The society pictured in Brave New World is a gigantic machine in which each human being has his scientifically planned task. The world has turned into one great totalitarian state which has ruled out individual thought, initiative and emotion. Of sex there is plenty, of love there is nothing. Individuality is banished: The slogan of the new society is Community, Identity, Stability. (Survey one, Van Walraven, Apeldoorn) 


'The Theme of the Brave New World is not the advancement of science as such; it is the advancement of science as it affects human individuals.' Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)
'O brave new world, that has such people in't!'
Shakespear, The Tempest.
The new pioneers

Petzinger chronicles the stories of small and medium-size businesses in The New Pioneers, in industries ranging from banking to bookselling. In each of his examples, company leaders have adapted to new market conditions and not only survived, but thrived. They've done it, not by engaging their enemies in hand-to-hand combat, but by inventing ways around their obstacles to success.

The consequence of this focus on adaptation over competition is Petzinger's astonishing conclusion that capitalism is merging with humanism.

Business slept through every minute of the postmodern awakening. Leaders skilled at control became the leaders of modernity.

Then came a great awakening, a sense that people are gifted with the instinct to innovate, collaborate and economize; that through countless local actions, whether in corporations, communities or entrepreneurial confederations, they create global order without central control.

Adapted from The New Pioneers: The Men and Women Who Are Transforming the Workplace and Marketplace. Copyright 1999 by Thomas Petzinger, Jr. This essay first appeared in The Wall Street Journal on Feb. 26, 1999.


MIT's Thomas Malone:

Today, we think of a company as an organization that hires a bunch of people and that is primarily responsible for producing something that customers are willing to pay for. Instead of a company thinking of its role as providing products or services to customers, some companies may come to think of their role as providing services to their members -- while their members are responsible for providing products and services to customers.

It's an upside-down picture of today's company. The function of senior managers will be to provide services to the workers throughout the company, while the workers worry about keeping customers happy.





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